Saturday, December 10, 2022

An End

I began Look Homeward, Martin ten years ago. Today, I say good-bye.

For me, "The End" means completion. With this final post, I complete Look Homeward, Martin

This blog began with a different me - a recent college graduate, still living at home, who had a vision for living without true knowledge of how to truly live it.

Now, I have reached a point, ten years later, where I live in the world of many of the choices I made then and across these ten years - choices to live a helping career in Library & Information Sciences; choices to live a creative life in writing and filmmaking; and choices to orient my life around travel and experience.

In reaching the completion of this blog, my posts became less frequent. I view this as something positive. I write less on here because I live more. 

Through Look Homeward, I worked through this process of performing my life's vision in naming experiences, obstacles, and goals. 

Thank you for reading along with me.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Revising the 50 List for A Post-Pandemic Life

I shared my "50 List" over five years ago.

In writing that list, I attempted to create a vision of an upcoming period of my life - a life where I felt solid and stable in my career. I tried to avoid a lot of specific goals and write vision statements.

That list reads differently in a post-pandemic world and to my post-pandemic self. My new therapist urged me to rewrite the list because I am not the same. 

Last year felt like living in a house that kept burning down - a horrifying feeling. It felt exhausting to continually recover everything and return to a new normal. At a certain point I had to let go of things I no longer had the energy to keep. For instance, I let go of hockey after my 20 years of fandom because intuitively it no longer fits in the life I want now.

The paramount question from last year: what do I still want in my life after the pandemic? This question motivates me to revise my "50 List" into something simpler - a list of vision statements that cohere into a new vision of how I will define goodness and stability in my life.

A Revised 50 List

  • Write and direct a film every year.
  • Travel once every year 
  • Pay off student loan debt.
  • Own a guitar that I can pass on to those I love.